Hear what people are saying about RiverBend

We’re thrilled with the response from people who have chosen to live or learn more about RiverBend.  Here’s what some are saying…

My mom sold her home of 40+ yrs and moved in 2 weeks ago. She absolutely loves it! We too along with another family member purchased […]

2019-02-22T10:26:19-08:00June 27th, 2018|News|

RiverBend will be at Prince George Summerfest! Will you?

Folks of all ages will gather for Summerfest in downtown Prince George this July 15 and RiverBend will be there to join the fun! Be sure to stop by our booth between 11 AM and 5PM and say hello as we’ll be on hand sharing information about renting at RiverBend Seniors Community and all the […]

2019-02-22T10:27:00-08:00June 27th, 2018|News|
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