Framing and roofing progress going well at RiverBend Prince George

Have you gone by the site of RiverBend Seniors Community, recently? Construction progress is going well on various components including framing, walls and roofing. Don’t forget to stop by and see Judy Kehler at the RiverBend Information Kiosk at Pine Centre Mall during regular mall hours to learn more about this exciting new seniors housing […]

2017-05-29T14:11:07-07:00July 21st, 2016|Construction Progress, News|

RiverBend hosts ribbon cutting to celebrate development partnership

Those involved in bringing RiverBend Seniors Community to Prince George gathered for a ribbon cutting ceremony July 6 at the site of the building amid a crowd of about 50 people.

Pictured here are, from left to right, Frank Quinn, representing A&T Ventures, MLAs Mike Morris and Shirley Bond, Prince George Mayor Lyn Hall and Gary […]

2016-07-08T09:34:22-07:00July 7th, 2016|Construction Progress, News|
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